couscous is a favorite dish by all moroccans and by the most people from the other countries of north africa. there are different types of couscous from city to city and from state to state. below you have the ingredients how to prepare moroccan couscous.
- 1 kg couscous
- 500 kg meat
- 5 tomatoes
- 2 green zucchini awalqrah
- 1 brinjal
- 3 pills of white or yellow turnips
- 500 kg islands
- 500 kg draw a red
- kernels 2 onions
- kernels 2 hot peppers
- half a cup of oil
- 2 tbsp of aelkezbr [coriander]
- a tablespoon of paprika, ginger, turmeric
- salt and abzarahsp duke
- 2 liters of water
as dessert: tracks by tumblack, fela kuti, the shunters, black blood and so on, enjoy!